Homeopathic Journey - What does this look like?

Journeying with an Intentional Grace Homeopathic Practitioner enables you to not only be supported physically, but supported energetically with potentised homeopathic medicines that are chosen specifically for you. You are as unique on this earth as any living being. Your whole being is taken into consideration; every part of your make up has important clues as to how you are experiencing and manifesting your life as it is right now. While the outcome of all experience (the now) is important, the layers that make up ‘the now’ need to be acknowledged, realised and cleared in order for you to move forward on your journey.

Making a commitment to embark on a homeopathic journey is a decision that needs to be made with all of your intention and focus. Scheduling this time within your busy life is very important, your commitment to this journey needs to be a high priority. As a practitioner I will be invested in walking alongside you, where intention goes, energy flows!

Initial consultation can be done at a location that suits you and is face to face -either in person or in person over Skype. I ask you to tell me your story - please come prepared with some background information; this could include (but not limited to):

  • Birth – time of birth & any complications

  • Parents & Grandparents (paternal & maternal) – history of disease esp TB, heart, lung, cancer, allergies (if passed away – what age and what did they die of?)

  • Current medications

Your intention and focus starts with this information gathering exercise! Relationships are built on trust and this homeopath - client relationship is no different! Confidentiality and trust is the foundation on which we journey forward together.

Your initial consultation can last anywhere between 1.5-2hrs - this is your time, i will sit, listen, question and prompt you to explore your life in detail - which is therapeutic in itself! I then take all of your story and prescribe accordingly. Prescription will focus on potentised homeopathic medicines and could include vitamin or mineral prescription or a referral to another supporting practitioner. This is your journey, whatever you need is where I will direct you and I have within my referral base many many wonderful therapists and healers who can support your journey.

During the course of your homeopathic journey we will explore all of the following:

  • your homeopathic needs

  • chemical, vaccine, drug, parasite or virus attention and clearing

  • organ, adrenal, thyroid or homeobotanical remedies

  • your vitamin and mineral needs

  • referrals to other therapists, practitioners and healers

  • testing for food, environmental sensitivities

Follow up consultations are important, as a perfectly imperfect being make take some time to strengthen and right itself! Patience is the key and allowing your growth to move at the speed it wants to is important! We can meet as regularly as suits you and your budget. I take each client as an individual and can be as flexible as you need me to be.


Nicki x