Homeopathy doesn't work?

As you know I just love homeopathy & plant based medicines, they are gentle & effective. Plant based medicines have been in existence for eternity & homeopathy has effectively been used for over 250+ years.

Homeopathic medicine is scientifically proven by humans – the symptoms of each medicine are collected and collated in our materia medica.
There is a place for allopathic medicines but these have only been around for 70years or so, it could be considered that the amount of $$ that pharmaceutical companies make off you being & staying sick is phenomenal, it could also be considered that every medicine you take makes you a part of a very new (70yr) long experiment, of which we are seeing the dire consequences of every single day. If you are on medications, homeopathy works alongside these beautifully to support the body with side effects from the medications (of which you know there are many! we can leave this discussion for another post:)
Homeopathy & plant based medicines are safe, gentle & effective for the whole family. They support the body to heal itself, enabling a ‘shift’ from dis-eased state to a state of health. When this shift happens, not only do your physical symptoms abate but your mental / emotional state is relaxed too. Homeopathy can do this for you! It’s so empowering to own your illness & play a part in your own recovery & sustaining your own wellness!
So, a challenge from me: Next time you see or hear ‘homeopathy doesn’t work’ or ‘there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy... bla bla bla’ do your own research, read, learn & listen, give it a try! Don’t be ignorant, your health & wellbeing relies on you being smart & taking control of your own health journey 🙏


Homeopathic Journey - What does this look like?


Homeopathy, Skeptics & Water