Coffee / Coffea & Like Cures Like

Mmmmmmm, morning coffee….the warmth, smell, ignition of senses after waking, just divine.  As I sit here writing this my morning coffee is really tasting delicious!

I had a very homeopathic experience with coffee yesterday that I would love to share that will give you an understanding of how homeopathy works and a deeper understanding for me about the power of homeopathy.  One of the core principals of homeopathy is ‘Like cures Like’ – this means that the symptoms produced in a homeopathic remedy match those in a state of dis-ease.

So, I’m out with a friend yesterday chatting about life, sipping on…you guessed it – a delicious flat white, it was strong & velvety.  This was my second cup for the day of which I never do because as much as I love coffee, two cups affects me in ways I really don’t appreciate – these instant physical symptoms for me included; hot flushes, a mild feeling of agitation and anxiety, heart palpitations and a hyperactive, excited feeling.  This was something I was ok with because it was the middle of the day, I gathered myself and moved through the day at speed.  The problem was that when I went to bed last night those symptoms were still present!!  So, I’m lying in bed thinking about the effects of my second cup of coffee and about what homeopathic remedy would be best to settle my body and mind – COFFEA! Coffea homeopathic remedy is made from Coffea arabica, it is part of the Rubiacie family of plants and is homeopathically prepared.  Coffea is the remedy I took – just one dose and my restless physical body settled, my mind settled and for the first time in a long time I woke refreshed.

Homeopathic medicines work in a way that by taking a minute dose of a remedy that matches the symptoms overrides the dis-ease you are experiencing and renders it obsolete – Like cures Like!

If you suffer from sleeplessness or any bodily discomfort – either physical or mental/emotional, you might like to try homeopathy, it is truly a natural, safe and effective way to align your vital force back into a state of health.





Homeopathic Journey - What does this look like?