Homeopathy, Skeptics & Water

I’ve been looking for some inspiration online, something to discuss with you, something to blow your mind away, something about the healing power of homeopathy and do you know what popped up?  Ignorance and skepticism, raining down on me like a big pile of poo, it was unsightly and disgusting but worse than that, these brilliant minded scientists have the worst closed minds.  What these ignorant skeptics are saying things like ‘Thinks homeopathy is safe, forgets that it is just water’, ‘Water has no memory”. 

I am a homeopath, I use homeopathy, it still amazes me that I am a homeopath and that my special power is enabling people to kick start and re-align their vital force using nano-medicines, diluted in water, enough that the original substance is no where to be seen, leaving only the dynamic energy of the original substance.  This, being able to touch parts of us that are so small that you could probably call it ‘touching your soul’, and how does these homeopathic substance ‘touch our soul and realign it?  Well, the nano-medicines that are so able to be easily transformed in water might just be the key to how this phenomenon happens.  We all know that 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.  So, what is so special about water?


Lets start at the beginning and think about the dynamics of water:


Mysteries of water, seen and unseen
For many reasons, water meaning deals with intuition, psychic perception and dreams. What happens under the surface of water is a mystery to the unaided eye. It’s much the same with human emotions. Water reminds us to dive beneath the surface of our feelings and use intuition for better understanding.


Healing dynamics
For centuries, cultures around the world have viewed water as a sacred symbol of healing, cleansing and renewal. It’s a no-brainer, really. Water washes off the grime…not just mud, but also the crummy stuff that clutters in our hearts. Water can energetically cleanse us inside and out!


Flowing and flexible
One of the most beautiful lessons water can teach us his how to be flexible and embrace change. Consider: Water always takes on the form in which it is held. It can also carve out mountains to make its way forward. Water reminds us to go with the flow no matter what the situation.


What a perfect medium to not only transform and shift the homeopathic medicinal energy of a substance but to carry and channel this homeopathic medicinal energy to those parts of our body that are in need of some care and attention!  

The symbolism of water is as vast as all the water in the world. Water meaning goes as deep as the deepest sea. From dreams to intuition, magic and mystery, water holds endless inspiration. If you think about it, much of the deepest waters are still unexplored, that makes the meaning of water full of potential.  This is true of homeopathic medicines; do we doubt the properties of water?  Are we ignorant of its potential?  Are we in awe of its unchartered understanding?  Just because we may not understand the ‘science’ of something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.  Give homeopathy a go!  You might just be amazed!


“Water does not resist.

Water flows.

When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress.

Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you.

But water always goes where it wants to go,

and nothing in the end can stand against it.

Water is patient.

Dripping water wears away a stone.

Remember that, my child.

Remember you are half water.

If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it.

Water does.”

- Margaret Atwood

“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.”

- Slovakian Proverb



Homeopathy doesn't work?